By Schyler Strickland
March 13, 2019
Everyone knows the more money you have for a campaign the better! Right?!? I disagree, unless you're willing to light money on fire as fast as America is to print it! ...And we all know, how this will end? Am I right? But let's get back to it! Your campaign, it does not matter how much money you have to throw into an ad campaign, if you don't understand the end goal of the campaign, just go head and make it rain with a flame thrower! There are few questions you want to ask yourself to narrow down what type of campaign you want to run. What is the end goal? - Do you want more leads? Are you trying to get more traffic to website? Are you trying to grow an email list? Grow your audience? -- My point is, take your time to understand why you're running this campaign. There maybe more proactive things you can do that cost less money! What or who is your target? Are you trying to attract a certain age? Are you trying to grow your tribe and attract more like-minded individuals? Again if you don't understand your end goal to your campaign first then you're going to have trouble narrowing down your target audience. Maybe after answering the first 2 questions, you realize you don't need a digital ad campaign at all! You may decide to hit the ground running with a street team! You know the "old school" proven method! The hard part about this, if you don't understand your audience you're literally just throwing swag and promo gear at the wrong type of people! This is why it's so important to understand your end goal and your target audience! Lucky for every one out there we have thousands of marketers out there that understand different niches! Because no 2 businesses are the exact same, unless it's planned that way like a franchise brand!